It is estimated that in Ireland 200,000 people suffer from depression and in the UK  about 2.6% of adults suffer from depression and 11.4% suffer from a mixture of anxiety and depression. Talk therapy such as Cognitive Behaviour Therapy can be very helpful as it gives the person skills to handle their depression.


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Kate Drew McGann Low Cost Counselling & Psychotherapy

Kate Drew McGann Counselling and Psychotherapy offers a low cost counselling service for Carers. Carers have reported that they found counselling very helpful.

Kate has found that Carers often neglect their own health and stop caring for themselves when they are caring for their loved ones.

 When a person has dementia, it may be difficult for neighbours, friends and extended family to remain in contact, as they may not know how to communicate.  Bupa UK have issued a booklet\toolkit which contains great tips on how to communicate with a person with dementia.    Bupa-Dementia-Care-Talking-Toolkit

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Resolve Family Fights through Mediation

Drew McGann Mediation have found that Disputes between members of a family not only affect the members of the family involved, but also other family members who may feel they have to take sides.  It can lead to family members not attending weddings,  family celebrations, or even funerals.  Drew McGann Mediation have found that mediation is very helpful in allowing family members to work constructively to heal a family feud.

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Drew McGann Mediation handles all types of Mediation including Mediation for Gay and lesbian Couples.  Same Sex Couples who take part in Mediation are choosing to take charge of their lives.  Mediation can prevent misunderstandings and facilitate partners to become clear about their expectations and maintain their sense of dignity and self-esteem.  The role of Drew McGann Mediation is not to take sides, not to sit in judgement, not to make decisions.  The Mediation Process is based on the idea that the parties themselves are capable of arriving at a mutually acceptable resolution with the help of a Mediator.

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Mediation has proved to be helpful to family members when they are faced with difficulties around the care of their elderly parents.  The parents and family members are able to work together to draw up a plan to suit their needs.  Drew McGann Mediation have a lot of experience in this area and welcome enquiries about mediation for elderly care.

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Low Cost Family Mediation Dublin

Drew McGann Low Cost Family Mediation Dublin are always surprised how many unmarried fathers do not realise that having their name on their child’s birth certificate, which is a legal document, does not mean that they are the child’s guardian.  In order to become the child’s legal guardian the unmarried father has to either (a) complete a declaration with the child’s mother (signed by a Peace Commissioner – which will cost nothing – or by a Solicitor or Commissioner for Oaths – where there is a charge)  appointing him guardian or (b) if the mother is not agreeable to completing this declaration, the unmarried father will need to apply to the Court for guardianship.  The child’s mother is automatically a guardian as is the case with married couples. Drew McGann Low Cost Family Mediation always recommend unmarried parents check out the Treoir website http://www.treoir.ie/ which is a mine of information for unmarried parents and their family.

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Low Cost Family Mediation

Drew McGann Mediation offer low cost family mediation for couples who have decided to separate.  When there are children involved, Drew McGann low cost family mediation offer couples the opportunity to attend with their children at a family session to discuss the parenting arrangements made.  Drew McGann low cost mediation have found that like Ahron, (2006) children are able to adapt to the new arrangements following family breakdown if the parents are able to work together and separate their former relationship difficulties from their long term parenting responsibilities.

Ahron C. 2006. Family Ties after Divorce: Long Term implications for Children. Family Process.  Vol. 46.  No. 1

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Family Mediation Dublin – Children’s Wishes and Views

Drew McGann Mediation has found that family breakdown cases, which are resolved through professional mediation, are cheaper and quicker to settle.  Although Drew McGann Mediation is adult orientated, couples are granted the opportunity to attend with their children at a family session to discuss the parenting arrangements made.  Drew McGann Family Mediation are aware that research has shown that children need the security of knowing what is going to happen in the future and, therefore, benefit from family sessions.  Drew McGann Mediation are aware that studies have found that lack of communication with children leads to difficulties in accepting parental separation and adjustment. (Maundeni, 2002)

Maundeni T. 2002 Seen but not heard? Childhood 9.277-301

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Drew McGann Elder Mediation Tallaght

Drew McGann Mediation Tallaght and Dublin City Centre have found that Elder Mediation allows the whole family an opportunity to work through the challenges facing them and guarantees that each person’s point of view is heard.    All parties attending Drew McGann Elder Mediation, Tallaght and Dublin City Centre  are aware that mediation is voluntary and confidential and that Drew McGann Mediation has no interest in the outcome and none of the parties will be coerced to agree to anything

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Neighbour Disputes Mediation

Drew McGann Mediation have been very successful in mediating Neighbour Disputes over boundary walls, fences, noise, children, trees, hedges and pets.  Mediation, Tallaght, and City Centre provides a safe and confidential environment where neighbours who are having problems with each other can resolve their disputes.

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